Following the previous question: "obligation-to-see-a-woman-prior-to-kiddushin" the Gemmorah (Kiddushin 41a) states that:
"אבל בהא איסורא לית בה
כדר"ל דאמר ר"ל טב למיתב טן דו מלמיתב ארמלוBut in this case of a woman who appoints an agent, there is no prohibition. As Reish Lakish said: Women have a saying: It is better to sit as two bodies, i.e., be married, than to sit lonely like a widow."
Davidson's interpretation:
Once a woman has decided to marry, she will accept any husband whose betrothal her agent accepts on her behalf, and there is no concern that she will find her betrothed repulsive and violate the mitzva of loving one’s neighbor like oneself.
Does it mean we always hold that women love their husbands and never override "ואהבת לרעך כמוך"?