The answer is that there is no prophecy in the entire Tanach which foretells that a prophet should come from Nazareth, or that the Messiah should be called a "Nazarene". Christians throughout the ages have tried reconciling the fact that Matthew's Gospel claims that there is a reference in the prophets to this, but there is not. Even Christian Bibles do not print a reference to this "claim". The simple answer is that the reference cannot be found at all within the Jewish Scriptures.
Therefore, it is not a requirement in Judaism that the Messiah come from Nazareth, nor that he be called a "Nazarene". (Which I'm not sure what the Christian Bible means by this.)
Keep in mind that questions such as this one in the future might not be within scope of the site.
As mentioned in heshy's answer, the Ramban, whom you've named yourself after on this site, was famous for his debates with the Christian authorities at the time, defending Judaism and explaining why Yeshu cannot be the Messiah. Read more about the Ramban's most famous dispute here.