It's a long and winding road to Simcha.
First, go down Malchut Avenue, and take a right at Torah Parkway. Because of recent construction on this road, stop and ask the guy in the black hat and long beard for devarim (directions). He'll ask for your shemot (names), and make sure to answer honestly or he'll lead you bemidbar (in the wilderness).
If you can pass Torah Parkway, you'll end up on Yesod Road which splits in two. Don't go to the right since it will take you a netzach (eternity) to get there. Rather, go to the left onto Hod Road and gaze at the vistas of splendor.
Then, as you continue onto Gevurah Street, make sure to not deviate left or right or you'll face severe consequences. Once you finally reach Binah Boulevard, you will understand why you should not have gone down Tiferet Street despite its beauty a couple steps ago.
Your crowning achievement will be reaching Keter Way which leads directly to Simcha. After realizing the hardship of getting to Simcha and the joy of being there, you will wonder why you hadn't moved there sooner.