(Full disclosure: I am a Gentile and a Christian. I hope this isn't a problem and that my question will be appropriate here.)
From the Seleucid period to the Middle Ages of Europe and, probably most famously, Nazi Germany, there are many instances of Jews being persecuted simply for being of Jewish ethnicity and/or for their religion. Is there any passage or indication anywhere in the Torah, the Talmud, or in any other authoritative collection of manuscripts, that predicts that this might happen, or explains why?
Coming from a Christian background, I'm familiar with passages (in the Christian New Testament) that predict persecution for followers of Jesus. For example, in John 15 it is predicted that Christians will be persecuted ("If they persecuted me [Jesus], they will also persecute you.")
However, I can't seem to find any passages that predict a similar fate for Jews. The closest might be in passages like Leviticus 26:33, where G-d says that He will scatter the Israelites among that nations and "unsheathe the sword after you."