In פרק מז, פסוק ו, Paroah says to Joseph:
״...ואם ידעת ויש בם אנשי-חיל ושמתם שרי מקנה על-אשר-לי.״ "If you know and there are capable men among you, appoint them as managers over my livestock which is mine."
In the very next verse, we are told:
״ויבא יוסף את יעקב אביו ויעמדהו לפני פרעה...״
"And Joseph brought Jacob his father and stood him before Pharaoh."
Jacob was a master shepherd. We know this because we are told the entire episode of how he spent 14 years shepherding for his father-in-law. Pharaoh then asks Jacob about his life, seems like an interview.
Nobody seems to talk about this juxtaposition. The commentators discuss the subsequent conversation in a way that implies that there's no relevance between the two but we never see a response to Pharaoh's request.
What's going on here?