The Seforno writes:
Sforno on Genesis 29:13:1
(13) את שמע יעקב, that he had succeeded in single-handedly rolling the
rock off the top of the well.
ספורנו על בראשית כ״ט:י״ג:א׳
יג) את שמע יעקב שגלל את האבן הוא לבדו:
Based on this Sforno I came across a fascinating answer provided by Rabbi Darrell Ginsberg. He was addressing a different issue, but in doing so he addresses the question I raised. He writes:
...What plan did Yaakov have then? The Torah tells us (ibid 13) that
“When Lavan heard the news of Yaakov, his sister's son, he ran to
greet him.” The Sforno (ibid) points out that the “news” here refers
to Yaakov’s moving the stone off the well, meaning that Lavan had
heard about this event. Why is this significant for us to know? As
mentioned above, Yaakov came to Charan without anything or anyone. His
objective, as related by his parents, was clear – escape from Esav,
find Lavan, and eventually search for a spouse from within Lavan’s
family. Why not just walk up to Lavan’s door and knock, rather than go
through all the conversations with the other shepherds and the
displacement of the rock? As a result of his wealth, Lavan, as the
Malbim (ibid 5) points out, was the most well known man in Charan.
Showing up at Lavan’s house as a desperate, poor relative would
certainly engender sympathy from his host. But Yaakov knew that in the
long term, a sudden appearance would work against him. Eventually, the
sympathy would fade and Yaakov would be seen as a burden, someone in a
constant state of need. For someone whose value system revolved around
the acquisition of wealth, power and fame, to relate to someone as
being a needy individual would compromise the relationship. Yaakov
understood that in order for the plan of his parents to succeed, he
needed to take the initiative. He realized that obtaining a
reputation, like becoming known for some great feat in the local
community, would go a long way to establishing an identity that Lavan
would relate to. Based on this approach, it could be Yaakov’s plan
developed when he saw this unique situation at the well, where a stone
was covering it and was not able to be moved by anyone. By removing
the stone, he would achieve instant fame, which he sensed would be
appealing to someone of Lavan’s position. As mentioned above, the
Torah (ibid 10) tells us that “When Yaakov saw Rochel, the daughter of
Lavan, his mother's brother, and the sheep of Lavan, his mother's
brother, he stepped near and rolled the stone from the mouth of the
well”. It is interesting that Yaakov looks towards both, Rochel and
the sheep of Lavan. The obvious result of moving the rock would be to
benefit Rochel. Yet he realized it would also benefit the flocks
belonging to Lavan, something Lavan would certainly appreciate. This
would then demonstrate the importance of the words of the Sforno.
Lavan greeted Yaakov not based on the fact that they were
related--instead, it was the fame attributed to Yaakov that ultimately
enticed him. Therefore, we see from Yaakov the chachma used in this
plan, chachma characterized by a good deal of confidence. This could
only emerge from his knowledge of the true ideas of God and his
ability to place his security in Him...