In Hilkhoth Tefillin 4:10, the Rambam states the basic and well-known halakhah that "...shabbathoth wi-yamim tovim enan zeman tefillin..." (Translation: "Shabbat and Yom Tov are not times for [wearing] tefillin"). This is due to the pasuq that tefillin are meant to be an oth ("sign") [cf. Shemoth 13:9; Devarim 6:8, 11:18, et al] and Shabbath and Yamim Tovim are already an oth by themselves [cf. Shemoth 31:17; Hilkhoth Tefillin ibid.]
However, there is an interesting statement in Hilkhoth Evel 10:10 which says:
הקובר את מתו ביום טוב שני שהוא יום טוב האחרון או ביום טוב שני של עצרת נוהג בו אבילות: הואיל ויום טוב שני מדבריהם ואבילות יום ראשון מן התורה יידחה עשה של דבריהם מפני עשה של תורה. אבל אם קבר ביום טוב שני של ראש השנה אינו נוהג בו אבילות ששניהן כיום אחד ארוך הן מהטעם שביארנו בהלכות קידוש החודש
Translation: "The one who buries his dead on the second day of Yom Tov [yom tov sheni], which is the last Yom Tov, or on the second day of the Yom Tov of Shemini Assereth, conducts himself on it according to all the rules of mourning. Since the second day of Yom Tov [yom tov sheni] is rabbinic in nature and the first day of mourning in Biblical in nature, the positive commandment of the rabbis is displaced by the positive commandment of the Torah. But if one buried [his dead] on the second day of Yom Tov [yom tov sheni] of Rosh HaShannah, he does not conduct himself on it [according to all the rules of] mourning since both days are together considered one long day for the reason that we explained in Hilkhoth Qidhush HaHodhesh."
In this halakhah, the Rambam seems to communicate a general principle that any misswath `aseh (positive commandment) from the Torah displaces a positive directive of rabbinic enactment - in this case, Yom Tov Sheni.
So, my question is, if the gezerah of Yom Tov Sheni does not displace aveyluth [halakhic mourning] since it is a misswath `aseh min ha-torah, then why would it displace the obligation to wear tefillin, since it is also a positive commandment on a Biblical level?
(NOTE: I am assuming the position that tefillin must be worn on Holo Shel Mo`edh and that the Rambam also takes this position in the Mishneh Torah.)