Does anyone have any understanding how to settle this ?
"We have R' Pinchas ben Yair, son-in-law of Rashbi, as mentioned in Gemoro shabbos (:ג"ל) appearing in the Zohar countless times as - his father in law! and dying before him too, as mentioned in the Idra Zuta. There have been some pathetic responses to this argument: One was to be Magiha in the Gemoro text to חותניה instead of חתניה. There are two problems with this. Firstly, there is no such word as חותניה in Aramaic, since its a confusion between aramaic yud hay ending, and the hebrew world חותן. The correct word would have been חמוהי. Secondly both r' Shrira Gaon's letter, and the Seder haKabbalahh of the Raavad, state that r' Pinchos ben Yoir was a member of the Generation after Rashbi. Another response is that it is the Zohar text that should be emended - from חמוך to חתנך. This is impossible since the Zohar clearly states that r' Pinchas ben Yair was father of Rashbi's wife, and grand-father of his son, and I quote from the Zohar .ו"ל שמיני ר"א הוה אזיל באורחא אשכחיה לרבי פנחס בן יאיר, פתח ר' אלעזר ואמר עטרת זקנים בני בנים. ע"כ.
פרשת פנחס בדף ר"מ: Another proof is from Zohar א"ר שמעון- בריך ברי לקב"ה! עלך אתמר (משלי כג) ישמח אביך ואמך ותגל יולדתך. ישמח אביך דלעילא ואמך דא כנסת ישראל. ותגל יולדתך דא ברתיה דרבי פנחס בן יאיר חסידא. אלעזר ברי וכו .' But most importantly, neither of these two feeble attempts deal with the fact that the gemara implies that rashbi died before r'Pinchos Ben Yair as demonstrated by R' Aharon Heiman in his Toldos Tanoim vAmoraim. Since it says in :ד"פ מ"ב: יסורי בתורה מאי היא? דכי הוו יתבי רבן שמעון בן גמליאל ורבי יהושע בן קרחה אספסלי יתבי קמייהו רבי אלעזר ברבי שמעון ורבי אארעא מקשו ומפרקו אמרי מימיהן אנו שותים והם יושבים על גבי קרקע עבדו להו ספסלי אסקינהו אמר להן מי שיש לו אב יחיה ומי שאין לו אב ימות אחתוהו נמי לרבי אלעזר ברבי שמעון. רבן שמעון בן גמליאל פרידה אחת יש לי ביניכם ואתם מבקשים לאבדה הימני אחתוהו לרבי אמר להן רבי יהושע בן קרחה So we see that Rashbi, but not Rebbi's own father - Raban Gamliel - had already died whilst Rebbi was still a young student. Yet in א"ה ג"פ תענית ירושלמי ובגמרא ,:ז חולין it says that Rabbi Pinchos ben Yair came to Rebbi to contest an enactment concerning Shviis that he had decreed on the Jewish community in his capacity as Nasi - This implying that his father had died by then and that he was already an authority in his own right. So, R' Pinchas ben Yair clearly died after Rashbi"