Couldn't a regular Artscroll Chumash suffice? It would certainly make things easier for the Baal Kore.


1 Answer 1


There is a dispute between the Rambam (Teshuvas Harambam 294) and the Rashba (Kalbo 20 in the name of the Rashba) as to whether one may use a Chumash for Kriyas HaTorah. The Rambam rules that one may use a Chumash and make a Bracha on Kriyas HaTorah done in a Chumash. However the Shulchan Aruch says that we follow the ruling of the Rashba that one may not make a Bracha on Kriyas HaTorah done in a Chumash and therefore we read from a actual Sefer Torah. Please see this link for more on this subject.

  • You think an artscroll chumash is a pasul sefer Torah??
    – Double AA
    Commented Oct 10, 2013 at 18:54

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