I apologize in advance if this is obvious but I simply haven't stumbled on anything which answers this yet.
In Bereishit 31, Hashem gives a message directly to Lavan. Apparently (as reported in the Stone Chumash), the Ramban says that even though Lavan was not a nice guy Hashem came to him in honor of Yaakov. According to the text, there are two differences between what happened and what Lavan reports happened:
The text says (pasuk 24) that hashem had come in a dream, but when Lavan reports this (pasuk 29) he says that Hashem simply spoke to him. I can see that he is making himself seem more special by saying that his level of nevu'ah surpasses requiring a dream state and that Hashem came to him not in a dream but when he was fully awake.
Hashem said to him "hishamer lecha pen tidaber" -- beware, lest you speak... but he reports the conversation as "hishamer lecha midaber" -- beware of speaking (translations from the Stone).
Is there any discussion of the significance of the second difference (and/or something more scholarly about the first difference than my gut reaction)?