There are sources1,2 that say that Moshe was commanded to not hit the Nile to initiate the plague of blood, nor hit the sand to initiate the plague of lice, because he had benefited from them (and therefore should be grateful - Sefer Chassidim).
Even though we are talking about inanimate objects, it is still proper to always act in a way that is in consonance with good middot, and striking the Nile would have therefore been inappropriate.
Can we learn from this that it is proper for every God fearing Jew to say thank you to AI GPTs once they have answered our questions? What about passively refraining from being rude when "conversing" with the LLM?
I ask about these rather than simply thanking any technology for its use because they do make us "feel" like we are interacting with a human, and therefore it is in consonance with good middot to say thank you for the help provided, even though it is inanimate.