The commentary Metzudat Dovid to Yirmiyahu 28:13 says:

מוטות עץ שברת. כי באמרו ככה אשבור וכו׳ מעל צואר כל הגוים הרי הוא כאלו שבר כל המוטות:

I'm having trouble translating the comment. What is the correct translation?

2 Answers 2


The words of Yirmiyahu 28:13 are said after prophet Chananiya broke the yoke/bar off prophet Yirmiyahu's neck. Thus, he said: “so too shall I break [the yoke of Bavel] from upon the necks of all the nations!” - [by declaring that in G-d’s name, G-d considered that statement] as if He actually broke the yoke off all the nations!


It seems to be saying that because Chanayah the Prophet announced this prophesy about shattering the yoke of King Nebuchadnetzer from off the neck of all the nations within two years, which are compared to yokes of wood, meaning lighter and softer burdens, that it was as if he had decreed all yokes would be removed (which was not the true, intended message from G-d).

And Yirmiyahu the Prophet didn't contradict him, but said, it should only be so. But realize that many Prophets before him, including Yimiyahu himself, had received a very different message. But that if Chananyah's prophesy actually comes to pass, then everyone will know that he truly spoke in G-d's name.

Posuk 13 says that Yirmiyahu was told by G-d that by Chananyah's action, attempting to soften G-d's message, not only would the situation not improve, but that it would become worse through increased agitation. All the limitations that had been in place to limit agitation, would be removed.

It seems relevant to mention the distinction between yoke עול and rod מוטה.

That in ancient times, rods were a symbol of the enslavement of a conquered people. The conquered were tied or chained to the rod, preventing them from escaping as they were forcibly taken into captivity and exile. It is a symbol of oppression.

slaves bound to rods

A yoke is a tool of farming or transportation that joins individual animals together to work productively for a unified goal that would be unattainable individually. It is a symbol of servitude.

Milking yoke

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