The Gemara Yoma (52b) records
והתניא משנגנז ארון נגנזה עמו צנצנת המן - when they buried the aron, they buried the jar of Haman with it.
I understand burying him, but why was he put in the jar in the first place?
The Gemara Yoma (52b) records
והתניא משנגנז ארון נגנזה עמו צנצנת המן - when they buried the aron, they buried the jar of Haman with it.
I understand burying him, but why was he put in the jar in the first place?
I love it when another reader refers to one of my own questions! Thanks, @DonielF!
In my previous PTIJ question, How could the Jews eat Haman, I asked how the Jews were able to eat Haman for 40 years.
So, this explains how Haman stayed fresh for 40 years. He was vaccuum sealed in a jar!