In every musaf prayer service, we read an excerpt from Bamidbar delineating the musaf animal sacrifices of the day. While each day's passage in Bamidbar includes also a description of the flour and oil offerings brought along with the animals, we don't read that excerpt, instead summarizing it; we use the same (or almost the same) wording every musaf prayer.
- Why do we summarize instead of finishing up the quotation we've started?
- Are there any nuschaos (versions) that do (or did) include the entire quotation rather than a summary?
The one exception is the musaf of Shabas, whose passage in Bamidbar we quote entire and do not summarize.
- Does the reason I seek above for summarizing not apply to Shabas? If it does apply, why don't we summarize the passage of Shabas also?
- Are there any nuschaos (versions) that do (or did) summarize the passage of Shabas as other days'?
On later reflection: The reason we don't summarize the musaf of Shabas (my third bulleted question) is presumably that it'd require quoting half a pasuk a verbatim. But a source for that would be nice; and, anyway, that doesn't answer my first two (and last) bulleted questions.