Vayikra 23:15 reads the phrase: sheva shabbatot t'miymot.
- Why is this rendered as 'seven weeks' and not 'seven shabbats'?
- On basis of what is it defined, that the meaning of shabbatot in this case must mean weeks?
For example
- in Shemot 31:13 another plural use of the word shabbat is used, Shabtotai, meaning My Shabbats, which based on the context meaning the plural of Shabbat (the seventh day of the week, Yom HaShevi'i),
- and other verses like 1 Divrei HaYamim 23:31, 2 Divrei HaYamim 2:3, 8:13 and 31:3 use the word LaShabatot translated as Shabbats,
- Nechemya 10:34 uses the word HaShabatot, translated as the Shabbats.
- Yeshayahu 56:4 and other verses uses the word Shab'totai,
- and Yechezkel 45:17 UbaShabatot and 46:3 BaShabatot for example are all translated as Shabbats.
All the using of the word Shabatot and related (look-a-like) words seem to be translated as just Shabbat, while here in Vayikra 23 it is translated as weeks.
I'm looking for all possible explanations of rendering it this way.