When counting in Hebrew, the first two cardinal numbers are in the correct gender, but all subsequent numbers seem to be in the opposite gender?
For example:
Feminine Numbers are: אַחַתֹ-שְתַּיִםֹ-שָלֹש-אַרְבַּע-חָמֵֹשֹ-שֵֹשֹ-שֶבַעֹ-שְמוֹנֶה-תֵֹּשַע-עֶשֶׂר
The above numbers after שְתַּיִםֹ (two) seem to be masculine.
Versus: Masculine Numbers: אֶחָדֹ-שְנַיִםֹ-שְלֹשָה-אַרְבָּעָה-חֲמִֹשָּהֹ-שִֹשָּהֹ-שִבְעָהֹ-שְמוֹנָה-תִֹּשְעָה-עֲשָׂרָה
The above numbers after שְנַיִםֹ (two) seem to be feminine.
Is there some Kabbalistica possible esoteric reason behind this?