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וּמָת֖וֹק הָא֑וֹר (u'Matok HaOhr): Why is the Torah compared to honey and a sweet light?

(I am aware of this question, however, my question focus specifically about why Torah is called sweet). In Koheles 11:7, Torah is described as וּמָת֖וֹק הָא֑וֹר (u'Matok HaOhr), a sweet light. ...
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Why does the prefix She- appear in only Tehillim, Shir Hashirim, and Koheles?

The prefix שֶׁ is very common in Mishnaic and Modern Hebrew, but in Tanakh appear rarely, except in Tehillim, Shir Hashirim, and Koheles, where it is all over the place. Why are these books the only ...
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