Is there anything I need to be aware of during Shaabath (as Rav Yom Tov Glaser rightfully got the correct pronunciation innate) when I am with gentiles? For instance, let's say I spend time with my non-Jewish Russian father and Shabbath comes around the corner, I'm staying at his place overnight. Apart from the prohibitions, how am I to behave?
It sounds odd but ever since I've became (somewhat) more religious, I tried to isolate myself as much as possible during Shaabath. Used to go to shul but later on, I spend Shaabath in solitude. And now that the time comes near, it feels kinda weird to be put in a situation in which I, one Jew among gentiles, spend Shaabath with non-Jews.
So to sum it up: is there anything noteworthy how a Jew must behave during Shaabath when among gentiles?