Every Shabbat morning, one of my neighbors arises early in the morning and starts to pray fervently and shakes his body back and forth. I ask him what he's doing, and he says, "don't interrupt me! I can't miss sof Z'man Krishna".
I've heard of "Harei Krishna" (which I guess means "the mountains of Krisha".) Wikipedia says that Krishna is the name of a Hindu deity.
I thought my friend was nuts, but then I hear the rabbi in my shul saying. "One should daven at home before coming to shul so that he doesn't miss the last time of Krishna."
What on earth or heaven is happening, here? Suddenly, all the rabbis are encouraging idolatry?? Why are they asking us to pray to Krishna at all, and what is the last time to say this prayer? Why is it so important not to miss the last time for Krishna?