I once heard someone identifying as a "Yeki", or something like that, and the "Yekis" apparently have an interesting musical tradition where they use a different Yigdal tune before Kiddush at each festival, as well as having a special tune for festival Kiddush. But since I only heard this and never seen it written, it's a bit difficult to find out who the "Yekis" are, if I even managed to spell it correctly. Anyone know? Thank you!
1There is a very nice Yekke Shul in Ramot, in Jerusalem, FWIW– Shlomo Zalman HeighCommented Feb 5, 2014 at 13:52
"Yekke"s are often characterized by their meticulous and punctual nature.– Shlomo Zalman HeighCommented Feb 5, 2014 at 13:54
I know I'm digging up a really old thread here, (if I were a better Yekke I would have answered on time), but if you're (still) interested in the different tunes used at different times of the year, Machon Moreshet Ashkenaz puts out a luach every year which includes instructions on what tunes to use when. If you want to hear a lot of Yekke nigunim, KAYJ (Kahal Adath Jeshurun in Jerusalem) has started an online musical archive. I can only find a single tune for yigdal in there in the shabbat section, but it has a lot of n– Popular Isn't RightCommented Oct 1, 2014 at 17:22
@Bachrach44, see the comment above yours. :)– Seth JCommented Oct 1, 2014 at 21:51
@Bachrach44, thank you for the link -- I'm actually well aware of this website, and if you look at their old site, you can find a few pdfs of old German nusach books. Of course, the top source for German nusach has to be Abraham Baer. Many Yekkish Yigdal tunes in those books!– Mauro BraunsteinCommented Oct 2, 2014 at 1:30
2 Answers
It refers to the Jewish community of Germany, especially of Frankfurt-am-Main and its vicinity, which (the community of Frankfurt) was later transplanted to other places, especially the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City. Wikipedia has more.
Yekke Jews are of German ancestry.
They have a number of very strong traditions that set them a bit apart from the rest of "Ashkenazi" Jewry, including, but not limited to, young men wearing a Tallith Gadol prior to marriage, and slightly different cantillation tunes than most Ashkenazim.
2There is a lot in common between yekis and original teimoni minhagim. Both are said to be original yerushalmi minhagim. Commented Apr 9, 2013 at 5:34