I became more religiously observant nearly 30 years ago, in mid-college. Ever since, I've been living in a Chareidi environment, where the davening is on the slower side (to give you an idea: Weekday shacharis, about 45 min; Mon and Thurs, 55min).
I understand the davening in the original Hebrew and generally have no trouble keeping up.
But when it comes to certain parts -- like the Long Tachanun on Monday and Thurs, or the parts that are said as the Sefer Torah is taken out, or Selichos -- no matter how fast I try to read, I'm only half way through when the rest of the tzibbur is finished already.
I'd like to be able to keep up with the minyan throughout all the davening. It's especially relevant because it's a big factor holding me back from being a shliach tzibbur, which I'd like to be able to do.
I'm wondering if there might be any techniques that could help me read faster while saying what I'm reading out loud.