Avos Derebbi Nassan 9:2 says that Miriam criticized Moshe for being haughty by divorcing his wife.
אבל הוא מפני שדעתו גסה עליו פירש הוא מאצל אשתו
But Moses, because he is so arrogant, separated from his wife.
This is actually pretty logical considering that the Passuk immediately afterwards says:
והאיש משה ענו [עניו] מאד מכל האדם אשר על־פני האדמה
Now Moses was a very humble man, more so than any other man on earth.
However, Avos Derebbi Nassan then proceeds to walk back the claim that she criticized Moshe for being haughty somewhat by saying that they didn't judge him as being certainly haughty, merely as being possibly haughty.
ולא היו דנין אותו בודאי אלא בספק ספק שדעתו גסה עליו ספק שאין דעתו גסה עליו.
While this is a logical reading of the Pesukim in the end of Beha'alosecha, it is quite a striking claim. Does anyone else concur with this interpretation?
Even better would be if anyone can find someone who says this without walking it back halfway.