When there are two people arguing over an object or piece of land and neither of them has a stronger proof than the other’s, the gemara in Bava Basra 34a teaches us about the principle of:
כל דאלים גבר
"whoever is stronger prevails"
Rashbam (ad. loc.) suggests this applies in any case where two people argue and neither has convincing proof.
Enter The Hulk
1) If you look closely at the concept the word "גבר" ie "man" is used. Is the The Hulk considered a man?
בּשלמא Bruce Banner, he's legitimately a person. אלא is The Hulk still considered a "man" or is it a brand new non-human entity, and thus "כל דאלים גבר" wouldn't apply in this case?
(regardless, you WON'T like him angry)
2) Even if you say The Hulk still has a shem "man"- is it fair to have The Hulk show up in a כל דאלים גבר dispute? Assumption is two regular people are fighting- NOT someone like The Hulk!