What does it take to have Eliyahu Hanavi reveal himself to someone? There are people today who know the whole Talmud Bavli baal peh with Rashi and Tosfos and the whole Tanach and Mishnayos baal peh, People who have learned Talmud Bavli many times with most of the mephorshim, and people who know a lot of Kabbalah, Mussar, etc. and Eliyahu has not revealed himself to them.
Some of those people are also experts in Halacha. They take on many fasts and sleep in the local Beis Midrash on a bench with a wooden pillow. They learn all day lishma and bisimcha and are meticulous about avoiding influences from the outside world.
How could some of these people not merit the revelation of Eliyahu Hanavi? What more do they have to do? Could it be that some people will never be able to experience this kind of revelation, no matter how much they have perfected themselves?