How do we reconcile the torah view of four foundations fire, wind, water, and earth with modern science which demonstrates wind, water, and earth are really not much different.
for example, water can be turned into oxygen and hydrogen so air and water are not so different, while according to torah view wind and water are two different, independent elements.
some sources from Midrash, etc found at
"In Midrashic literature, the world is viewed as being constructed of four basic elements: earth, water, air and fire (Bamidbar Raba end of 14:12; Zohar 1:27a, 2:23b-24b; Sefer Yetzirah Ch. 3; Moreh Nevuchim 2:30; Ibn Ezra Tehilim 66:12; Ramban Bereishit 1:1; Ohr Hachayim Bereishit 6:5 and others.) These "elements" closely parallel the three forms of matter -- solid, liquid and gas -- and energy. Earth and water are the "lower" two elements -- gravity causes them to sink -- while air and fire, which are bouyant and rise, are the "higher" elements. Interestingly, the names of the four Angels of the Divine Chariot (Micha'el, Gavri'el, Refa'el, Nuri'el, who represent the various forms of life on this world -- see Parasha-Page, Bamidbar 5756) have the same numerical value (Gematria) as the Hebrew words for these four elements (Aish, Ru'ach, Mayim, Afar), as pointed out by Sefer Hapeliyah (1:23a)."