Inspired by a recent discussion:

Chazal tell us that someone who says "I will sin and I will repent, will not be given the opportunity to repent" (Mishna Yoma 8:9). Chazal also tell us that there are certain sins for which a person does not have a portion in the World To Come (Mishna Sanhedrin 10:1).

If someone did a sin for which there is no portion in the World To Come, and announced that they were doing it with the intention of repenting later, we can assume that they never repented. Would there be a point in saying Kaddish for such a person?

  • 2
    Can you edit in why you're asking about kadish? I mean, what does kadish have to do with the world to come?
    – msh210
    Commented Jan 23, 2014 at 6:13
  • Some kaabalistic thought says that kaadish helps secure a person's place in the world to come.
    – rosenjcb
    Commented Jan 23, 2014 at 19:22

1 Answer 1


I don't know if one can generalize but someone who killed himself

As R Eliezer Melamed writes, based on a Chatam Sofer

We even say Kaddish for someone who committed suicide. Although the Chachamim teach that we do not mourn for him and he does not have a share in the next life, the Kaddish that his sons recite for him helps repair his soul slightly

Or as chabad.org writes

Mourners should be encouraged to recite [Kaddish] for the distinct spiritual benefit of the suicide who, if the act was intentional, was guilty of a heinous crime. Indeed, it is recommended for this reason, that they recite it for the full year rather than for the customary 11 months.

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