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Yoel Fievel Ben Avram's user avatar
Yoel Fievel Ben Avram's user avatar
Yoel Fievel Ben Avram
  • Member for 9 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
9 votes

How Was the Karaite Biblical Canon Determined?

8 votes

Is the Book of Enoch part of Judaism?

6 votes

PTIJ: For whom should I vote? (US Presidential Elections 2016)

6 votes

Why is hebrew, the holy language, so messy?

5 votes

Mashiach in year 6000?

5 votes

What advantages are there to converting to Judaism?

5 votes

In Hilkhot Teshuvah 3:7 the Rambam says one who believes in more than one ruler is a heretic. What is the basis for this?

5 votes

Beginning a comprehensive study of Moreh N'vuchim

4 votes

Samson and the Nazarite Vow

4 votes

Evolved minimal Hebrew pronunciation in halacha

3 votes

ב (bet) mi yodeya (the pronunciation)?

3 votes

Are Cherubim on top of the ark exception or contradiction?

3 votes

How does one pronounce the sefardi Ayin?

2 votes

What are the "four worlds" in Kabbalah?

2 votes

Source of a common tune to "Adon olam"

2 votes

Did Maimonides consider Esther the most important book in the Tanakh other than the Torah?

2 votes

What is the hovot halevavot referring to

2 votes

Is the soul tied and can one break that tie?

2 votes

Why did Judaism stop using the Septuagint?

2 votes

Why were there two Cherubim on the Ark

2 votes

Where to tie the Maimonidean half-tekheleth?

2 votes

Is there a free copy of this early (earliest?) siddur online?

1 vote

Why does God exist?

1 vote

Covenant (Brit) with Adam?

1 vote

Intrinsic Value of Mitzvot

1 vote

Role of the soul in living things

1 vote

Not speaking of Kabbalah or kabballistic ideas in public - halacha or wisdom?

1 vote

Why are we here if the chances are zero

1 vote

If you are listening to someone praying outloud And you say Amen.Did you just pray?

1 vote

Origin of Reform/Conservative "scarf" talleisim