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Shamiach's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 8 years ago
10 votes

Authorship of Rashi's Bible commentary

10 votes

Does Judaism require burial of the dead?

9 votes

Can a convert be a prophet?

8 votes

Why was there a huge concern to assure that Hoshanna Rabbah is not on Shabbat?

7 votes

Is there anything in the Tanakh or Talmud about a woman that raises her children alone?

7 votes

What are the prohibitions involved with going to a public beach?

7 votes

Were there any Sadducees on the Sanhedrin?

6 votes

Memorization of the Talmud by Tosafists

6 votes

Acronym of Iyar

6 votes

How could the Kohen Gadol see when he went in the Holy of Holies?

6 votes

Was biblical Shmita observed during the time of the second temple?

6 votes

Hakhel: Source for leader of generation replacing king

5 votes

Did the half tribe of Menashe have the same conditions as the tribe of Re'uven and Gad?

5 votes

Kohen aliyah during shiva

4 votes

Rebbe Akiva's Name

4 votes

Did men wear veils in Tanach?

4 votes

Why was King David so sad over Avner's death?

3 votes

Halachic issues with using a frozen river as a mikvah

3 votes

What are we supposed to do with idolatry in Israel?

3 votes

What does דיבור מצרית refer to?

2 votes

Why should Bochurim learn Gemara in Aramaic?

2 votes

Is there a term for wine poured for a kosher libation?

2 votes

Should a Gabbai correct the Ba'al Kri'ah on "questionable" kri / ktiv anomalies?

2 votes

What happened to the mitzvah to love the stranger?

2 votes

Why did David dwell with Achish in Gath?

2 votes

Why can't we distribute mitzvah obligations around the community?

2 votes

B'midbar 32:17 - Why did the tribes of Re'uven and Gad need to build fortified cities?

2 votes

247 year Jewish calendar cycle

2 votes

Why mention Shabbat at Yom Tov havdalah?

1 vote

Was Caleb a foreigner (Non-Isralite)?