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Barry's user avatar
Barry's user avatar
  • Member for 14 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Brooklyn, NY
32 votes

Sheidim: are they fact, or fiction?

23 votes

Does God love non-Jews?

18 votes

Is it considered stealing to look at mi.yodeya while at work?

16 votes

Mitzvah for fathers to buy things for dating-age daughters?

15 votes

Female praying in masculine language

14 votes

How should an employer respond to a government policy requiring abortion coverage?

13 votes

What does "to confuse the Satan" mean and why does it work?

13 votes

Where is the story of the medieval rabbi who ruled a fish was non-kosher because of his dream?

13 votes

Talmud Study, Where to start

13 votes

Siblings marrying siblings

11 votes

Why does one need to kasher burners on a stove for passover?

11 votes

Pesach Sheni when Moshiach has just come

10 votes

Asei Doche Lo Sasei vs. Mitzvah Habaah Beaveirah

10 votes

Non-Jew's marriage obligation

10 votes

Source for the prohibition against Nivul Peh (foul mouth)

9 votes

If shepherds are taboo to Egyptians, what do we make of them having sheep themselves?

9 votes

Why is there Pesach Sheini - The Second Passover?

9 votes

Are the names Akiva and Ya'akov related?

9 votes

Oops, I just missed the siyum for Fast of the Firstborn

9 votes

how to survive if you are hanging on to some aveiros

8 votes

Baal Teshuva -- Interested in both Chabad and Breslov, now what?

8 votes

Source of Burning Lulav with Chometz

8 votes

When do rabbinic enactments apply if the given reason no longer does?

8 votes

How does paying a Mohel work?

7 votes

Hard Yeshivish phrases to translate

7 votes

Bending truth to prevent bad feelings

7 votes

Why is "Shalom Aleichem" always plural?

7 votes

Why do/did Jews sacrifice animals?

7 votes

How does an outsider know how to dress for a particular Orthodox community?

7 votes

Is there a Possuk in Tanach that starts with a Samech ס and ends with a Aleph א?