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rikitikitembo's user avatar
rikitikitembo's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years
  • Last seen this week
  • The Moon, Sylacauga, AL, United States
2 votes

Did the Men of the Great Assembly Canonize Tanach?

2 votes

(Why) is Mordechai calling all the shots?

2 votes

Is there an imperative to have a fancy menorah?

2 votes

why does the chazzan stand for the entire davening?

2 votes

Sources for free will of angels

2 votes

Why did Hashem create the world in such a way that a leap year is needed?

2 votes

The Origins of the Zohar - Why is it accepted as being true?

2 votes

Why was Mesha king of Moav successful?

2 votes

Does braille go to sheimos?

2 votes

Who is the Infamous Little Horn of Daniel 7?

2 votes

Is it permissible to read works of the apocrypha?

2 votes

halachic status of the Nasi in the talmud

2 votes

Gezeira of Rabbeinu Gershom History

2 votes

Accuracy of Torah Text

2 votes

Early maariv on 2nd day Yom Tov

2 votes

Og's bed made of iron

2 votes

What else could have come out of Yiftach's house?

2 votes

Did Esther have the halachic status of a captive?

2 votes

Permissibility of images of celestial bodies

2 votes

How did Achashveirosh have the utensils of the Beit Hamikdash?

1 vote

What happened to Haman's money?

1 vote

Why was it important that the smoke from the ketoret went up in a straight column?

1 vote

Birthdays in Judaism

1 vote

Can you ask God to kill you?

1 vote

Current Attitude Towards Sefer Raziel Hamalach

1 vote

SE Challenge: Halachot in which rulings range from permissible to Torah violation?

1 vote

talking after washing

1 vote

How can private letters be published?

1 vote

Is there a reason to cover your yawn?

1 vote

Reason behind pinky during hagba