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rikitikitembo's user avatar
rikitikitembo's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years
  • Last seen this week
  • The Moon, Sylacauga, AL, United States
0 votes

Were the idolatrous kings of Yisrael no longer Jewish?

0 votes

Are Samaritans viewed as adherents of Judaism?

0 votes

Why are there 7 inverted letter nuns in Tehillim 107?

0 votes

Why are there 7 inverted letter nuns in Tehillim 107?

0 votes

Do any commentators equate 2 אֲחִיָּהs?

2 votes

Did the Men of the Great Assembly Canonize Tanach?

3 votes

Does one prophet ever prophesize to another in Tanach?

2 votes

Can/should anyone kill a mored b'malchut?

0 votes

Is there any source for not sharing a baby's name before the bris?

2 votes

How to learn Tosefta

-1 votes

Anyone who says these people sinned is mistaken. For real?

1 vote

Is it forbidden to use a sand timer on shabbos?

2 votes

Is a woman allowed to break her hymen by herself?

1 vote

Intimacy, עוֹנָה and Narcotics

1 vote

Source: King Returns From War And Hangs Weapons On Wall

1 vote

How many erev rav people were there?

1 vote

What will happen prior and after the End of Days?

0 votes

Why does the Rabbi face the congregation during prayer?

2 votes

Can Moshiach be a woman?

1 vote

Are there any female kabbalists?

1 vote

How can one achieve k'fitzat hadereh (miraculous speedy travel)?

0 votes

Can you learn from seforim written by someone who believed Shabbetai Tzvi was the Messiah?

0 votes

Sabbateanism and Rav Yonasan Eibshitz

1 vote

Puzzles on Shabbat

1 vote

Are "Halacha To Moses from Sinai" Undisputed?

0 votes

Why did Jewish kings wear crowns?

1 vote

Chamisha Ve'esrim - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Chamishim - mi yodeya?

0 votes

Why does almost every pasuk in Megillat Ruth start with a vav?

0 votes

What type of pain allows a woman to choose to sterilize herself?

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