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rikitikitembo's user avatar
rikitikitembo's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • The Moon, Sylacauga, AL, United States
16 votes

Story of love sick tree

9 votes

Will Moshiach know that he is Moshiach?

8 votes

Why is the daughter of a married woman permissible?

8 votes

May a man eat meat if attending the siyum of a woman?

8 votes

PTIJ: What is the inyan of the Konami code in Uncle Moishy's song?

6 votes

Was Yael Jewish?

6 votes

Why is the term meilah used by a sotah?

6 votes

Why is the term meilah used by a sotah?

6 votes

Creating things with the Sefer Yetzira?

5 votes

Is listening to Music on the fast of Asarah BeTevet permitted?

5 votes

Are there two or more prophets who have the same name?

5 votes

Are there examples in Tanach of 3 or more parties having an ongoing conversation?

5 votes

Why does Ezra-Nechemiah come before Divrei HaYamim?

4 votes

Seeking works by tanaim or amoraim

4 votes

Why is the term meilah used by a sotah?

4 votes

Pharaoh or King of Egypt?

3 votes

Yeshiva University RIETS Semicha Yorei and Yadin

3 votes

What does the Canonization of Tanach mean?

3 votes

Has the Torah been changed over the ages?

3 votes

To whom did Reish Lakish sell himself?

3 votes

What is good and what does it mean that God is good?

3 votes

Is it permitted for a male to shave his pubic hair nowadays?

3 votes

changing one's Hebrew name

3 votes

Does one prophet ever prophesize to another in Tanach?

2 votes

Is a woman allowed to break her hymen by herself?

2 votes

How to learn Tosefta

2 votes

Can Moshiach be a woman?

2 votes

During covid-related social distancing minyan is it better for one person to get all aliyot or multiple people at a distance?

2 votes

Are there any female kabbalists?

2 votes

Can/should anyone kill a mored b'malchut?

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