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Zvi's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
23 votes

Why are there no fish korbanot?

16 votes

Was the Shamir worm used for the second Beis Hamikdash?

16 votes

Brush teeth on a Ta'anis

11 votes

Does one say a beracha on medication?

11 votes

Who is this (Haredi) Rabbi?

10 votes

What can I feed my fish over Pesach?

10 votes

Source that "Teiku" References Eliyahu?

10 votes

What is the source for not leaving onions overnight and why don't some care?

9 votes

Exact text from Rav Eliyahu Lopian's "Lev Eliyahu" citing a story about the Chofetz Chaim

9 votes

Can a Jew buy non-kosher food for a gentile?

9 votes

Would a Jew violate the prohibition to pronounce the name of YHWH by saying "Yahweh" and/or "Yehowah"?

8 votes

Seven Mitzvos D'Rabanan

8 votes

How long did Chava (Eve) live?

8 votes

Is Leviticus 19:16 a negative commandment?

8 votes

Is there a standard format for the start of each column in writing Sifrei Torah?

8 votes

plastic utensil absorption and kashering

8 votes

What is Ruach Rah

7 votes

December 25 Greetings

7 votes

What to do with beard hair that falls out?

6 votes

Where can I find online the gemara with Rashi in regular font with vowels?

6 votes

Bracha on Dead Sea

6 votes

Is Ethanol Mixed Gasoline Kosher for Passover

6 votes

Do women need to count the Omer?

6 votes

Adjusting timers on Shabbat

6 votes

Is the Hebrew Biur of Moses Mendelssohn Available Online

6 votes

Halachic considerations of ultrasonography on infant for gender

6 votes

Could the minhag of lighting menorah in Shuls have developed from when guests would stay in Shul?

6 votes

Destroying fruit-tree to save house

6 votes

Halachot of IVF

5 votes

Can I plan to make a Siyum in the nine days to eat meat?

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