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Yishai's user avatar
Yishai's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Brooklyn, NY
43 votes

PTIJ: What is the Torah preferred brand of cell phone?

35 votes

Among the gentiles, why Job and Bilaam were recognized as prophets whereas Muhammad was not?

32 votes

Difference between books called "Shulchan Aruch"

20 votes

What halachic issues are involved in turning off a mobile phone while praying the quiet Amidah?

17 votes

What to do with Torah novella thought in the bathroom by accident

17 votes

Is it permitted for a Ben-Noach be an atheist?

16 votes

How do soldiers in the IDF obey Deuteronomy 23:13?

15 votes

Learning laws of aveilut when your parents are alive?

15 votes

Is it acceptable under Judaism to never marry?

14 votes

Did Rembrandt really get the 'mene, mene' inscription in his painting of Belshazzar's Feast wrong?

14 votes

What is the reason behind blowing the shofar from the side of one's mouth?

14 votes

is it permitted to make a snowman?

14 votes

Is there a punishment for disgracing our prophets/sages?

14 votes

Am I supposed to Ignore Most Non-Religious Jews?

13 votes

Is Chabad halachically monolithic?

13 votes

Al Tarbeh Sicha Im Haisha- including Text Messaging?

13 votes

What is the correct response to "Chazaq u'Baruch!"?

13 votes

PTIJ: What are my options if a server rejects a POST or PUT request?

12 votes

Source that we don't know how God judges people

12 votes

Chasan cigarettes - source & reason

12 votes

Etymology of the word sanhedrin

12 votes

Who is this Lamar?

12 votes

Would a convert/Ba'al Teshuvah have to remove any tattoos they may have?

11 votes

Why is it important that God created the first pair of tongs?

11 votes

What's the Bishul Akum heter for hard-boiled eggs?

11 votes

Must a couple get divorced if they have no children after 10 years?

11 votes

Why did the Lubavitcher Rebbe give out dollars?

11 votes

Bracha levatalah vs waiting between meat and milk

11 votes

Name two kids the same name?

11 votes

Are "Kosher Salts" Kosher?

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