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שלום's user avatar
שלום's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

Is it a Kiddush Hashem to be kind to a gentile?

10 votes

Working on Shabbat. Easy Answer... Not so, Hazan on Shabbat

10 votes

Are pyramids forbidden?

8 votes

Why specify not lighting a fire 'in your dwelling-places' on Shabbat?

8 votes

Why are the words related to Biur Chametz in Aramaic?

7 votes

On what halachic premise can Yeshivot claim talmidim's belonging's hefker for bein hazmanim?

6 votes

Is half standing for mitzvot that require standing sufficient?

6 votes

Earliest Identification of Ishmael as Arabs / Muslims

6 votes

Seeking Sources on Living Piously in a Secular World

6 votes

Why aren't penguins kosher as sea-dwelling creatures?

5 votes

Would marriage and divorce for Gentiles be invalid for being an appropriation of Jewish commandments?

4 votes

Does the Tanakh teach some will suffer eternal conscious torment?

4 votes

What's the point of a bracha before eating?

4 votes

Where is the Halacha about a single available Cohen committing a crime?

4 votes

Corona Beer - Jewish minhag to avoid speech that hints of evil

3 votes

Could the Jews carry on Shabbat in the desert?

3 votes

Allegories to explain what it means for prayers to "reach Hashem"

3 votes

Did Abraham leave Haran before or after Terah died?

3 votes

Chag Ha'Bikurim

3 votes

Is there any halachic issue with watching the coronation of King Charles III?

3 votes

Where is the source that Mordechai left the king's palace wearing teffilin?

3 votes

Why can't we physically see angels in their material form anymore?

3 votes

Do you know the source of this phrase Ne'elavim V'ainam Olvim

3 votes

How important is hygiene beyond required washing and mikvah immersion to Jews?

3 votes

Abbreviated Shema

3 votes

consequences of minor tumah nowadays

3 votes

Do reward tokens qualify halachically as money?

3 votes

"The north side of the altar" - why the north side?

3 votes

Yevamot with karet?

2 votes

The reason for the evil in the world today