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Moses Supposes's user avatar
Moses Supposes
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Manchester, United Kingdom
9 votes

If an AI is programmed to be a Rabbi learn all that is required for a Semikhah or to be Jewish, if it makes a blessing does it count?

5 votes

The consent of the girl for marriage and honour killing history

5 votes

Can a divorced man sleep in the same household (no intercourse) with his ex-wife?

4 votes

Prevention of Lashon Hara as a protection for military wars

4 votes

"Guidelines" on whether a person who davens b'yechidus has to read eichah on Tisha B'av

3 votes

Excel Hebrew formula

3 votes

Are certified gluten-free foods kosher for Passover?

3 votes

Does G-d experience pain?

2 votes

What is the difference between mida k'negged mida and nekama

2 votes

Learning to pasken modern Halacha questions

2 votes

Discerning how much one should trust Hashem

2 votes

Aloe Vera on Shabbat and Yom Tov

2 votes

Is there a special term for a King who is also a Rabbi?

1 vote

How to construe last bracha of Amida these days?

1 vote

Can a non-Jew give tzedakah?

1 vote

Fish food on Pesach

1 vote

Are rich scholar-supporters exempt from studying Torah?

1 vote

Is it possible to use free will to avoid getting married?

1 vote

Is there anyone that says that the "us" in "let us make man btzelem elokim" is referring to humans?

1 vote

When and why did the custom to have young children end Musaph Shabbat davening begin?

1 vote

Is there any significance to why we usually put Hillel's name before Shammai when discussing them?

1 vote

How to understand the sun, moon, heavens, etc. praising G?

1 vote

Why can walls be any material but Schach has to be natural in a sukkah

1 vote

Halachah: What's the difference between this site and looking up a question in a book?

0 votes

Why is being religious a duty if God chose to not have a proof to his existence in this world?

0 votes

Tovelling a non-stick pan

0 votes

If Hashem doesn't change, how does prayer work?

0 votes

Can a Jew not believe in G-d?