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Geltman's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
16 votes

What does כתר"ה stand for?

7 votes

Why was Shaul prophecising naked?

5 votes

Tzedaka in the Wilderness

5 votes

Position of our hands while praying?

5 votes

Screwing on the top of a sippy cup on shabbos

5 votes

Face Mask for Shmoneh Esreh?

4 votes

Were there insects in the garden of eden?

4 votes

What method is used to halachically pluck a chicken's feathers after shechita

4 votes

Why is the *nun* raised?

4 votes

Kavanah, Prayer and OCD

3 votes

What is the source for one sixtieth?

3 votes

Who or what did G-d use while creating?

3 votes

Why Shmuel and Rus

3 votes

Parshat Korach - Why did God finally take off his gloves here?

3 votes

Why specifically a fig on shabbos?

3 votes

M'karev an elder reformed fellow

3 votes

What seforim or books were written on the Torah approach to modern-day philosophy such as humanism or classical liberalism?

3 votes

Which Animals Are Said to Have Spoken in the Torah

2 votes

Yaakov Avinu didn't die and connection to not eating?

2 votes

Pushing a buggy on grass on Shabbos

2 votes

What happened to the male Leviathan?

2 votes

Were the Jews commanded to go into the Promised Land?

2 votes

Timespan of Yeshiva "zmanim"

2 votes

How important are Yahrtzeit customs?

2 votes

Can one study about the Beis Hamikdash on tisha bav?

1 vote

Is having a bank account a violation of the mitzvah not to charge interest?

1 vote

Kosher considerations of non-Kosher chips

1 vote

Keeping real estate in Israel

1 vote

Can an Orthodox doctor ask a not-yet-religious Jewish doctor to take his shabbos rounds?

1 vote

Isaiah - Didn't he live in a time where people were righteous? Why is he foretelling a destruction?