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Russell's user avatar
Russell's user avatar
  • Member for 4 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • England, UK
8 votes

Yose b. Yoezer and Yose b. Yohanan received from them. Who does "them" refer to?

3 votes

Was Mordechai the mashgiach at Achashverosh's party?

3 votes

Significance of Parshas Noach, Chayei Sarah, Yisro, Korach, Balak, and Pinchas

2 votes

Shnayim Vachamishim - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Tzedaka in the Wilderness

1 vote

What is the purpose of life on this earth

1 vote

Mayim shelanu history?

1 vote

Why a human Messiah?

1 vote

Why pray for Y'hoshua and not Kalev?

1 vote

If one may not say tehillim at night, why did King Dovid?

1 vote

Is there a problem with saying "Oh my God" or "Oh my Gosh"?

1 vote

Holding children during shemoneh esrei

1 vote

Music at a Wedding

1 vote

Geulah Blessing in the Amidah

0 votes

Mishna brurah Siman 243:1 - boudaries of Hava'ah - getting paid for Shabbat use

0 votes

Bar Mitzva during S'fira

0 votes

What was wrong with David referring to Torah as a song?

0 votes

What's the source of post Yom Tov Behab

0 votes

New Beracha on Tzizit

0 votes

Havdalah on Telephone

0 votes

Chamishim Umeya - mi yodeya?

0 votes

Should one sit for Asher Yatzar?

0 votes

Why do all our fast days revolve around the Beis Hamikdash?

0 votes

Jacob I have loved Easo I have hated

-1 votes

Marriage between Shifcha and Kohanim

-1 votes

Shnayim Vachamishim - mi yodeya?

-1 votes

Was Otniel ben Kenaz a half-brother or a nephew to Kalev?