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Joe Shmoe's user avatar
Joe Shmoe's user avatar
Joe Shmoe
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
15 votes

Is it muttar to whistle?

10 votes

Voting for a person that will not uphold Torah values

9 votes

Bereishit vs. science

6 votes

Kippa in Torah?

5 votes

Kohain going into the Mearas HaMachpela

5 votes

40 Days Before Conception

5 votes

Lechem Mishneh by the Third Shabbos Meal

5 votes

Do our sources address the question of intellectual property vs the public good?

5 votes

Patents in Halacha?

4 votes

Hasidish Steganography

4 votes

Staying up all night on Shavu'ot

3 votes

What is a good way to make one's website inaccessible on Shabbat?

3 votes

Yearning for Moshiach while the Temples stood

3 votes

Going to classical music concert

3 votes

Why wear Black hats

3 votes

Do you have to close your blog / website on shabbos?

3 votes

Posek vs. Rabbi?

3 votes

A letter prohibiting television?

2 votes

Amen for Recorded Brochos

2 votes

Return to Egypt: Allowed?

2 votes

Why twins? Why not just Yaakov?

1 vote

Shabbos morning (Drasha) sermon before Kaddish of Musaf

1 vote

driving non-hybrid cars

1 vote

(Neis) Miracle of Sarah giving birth at 90

1 vote


1 vote

Do you do a hataras nidui (rescinding of excommunication) before Rosh HaShanah?

1 vote

If a pig was genetically modified to chew its cud, would it be kosher?

0 votes

Intentional Shilu'ach Hakan