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  • Member for 4 years, 9 months
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25 votes

What is the most-shared name in the Torah? In Tanach?

21 votes

What were (some of) the names of the 24 families of Kohanim?

18 votes

Does the Talmud say that Jesus writhes in excrement and Mary was a prostitute?

16 votes

Rashi with sources in context

15 votes

Source of non-verse in Selichot

13 votes

Has anyone posed a theory as to who authored Targum Pseudo-Yonasan?

13 votes

Does the Talmud continue to use extra Tanachic sources?

13 votes

Why is sleep spelled with an aleph in Tehillim 127?

12 votes

Why is Yevamot the first masechet in Nashim?

12 votes

According to the Karaites, who invented the Oral tradition?

11 votes

Are there any references from the schools of Shammai and Hillel that support belief in the soul separating from the body at death?

11 votes

What were the first rabbinic reactions to the rise of Islam?

11 votes

Yehudah ibn Balaam's Commentary on Yechezkel

11 votes

Aramaic in a baraisa

10 votes

Source for how Agag had a child after being captured

10 votes

Source for this Rambam quote?

10 votes

Examples of Rabbis who had strong disagreements and were amicable

10 votes

Minhag of eating jelly doughnuts on chanukah

10 votes

How many editions of the "Authorised Daily Prayer Book" have there been?

10 votes

Rabbinic changes in the Septuagint (Megillah 9a) - facts or fables?

10 votes

Who wrote Rashi on Chronicles I & II, Nehemiah, Ruth, Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes?

10 votes

Is it true that Rabbi Moshe Dovid Valle (aka the Ramad Vali, Ramdu) said that the Jesus was a failed Mashiach ben Yosef? Please provide sources

9 votes

Is the malachim aleph beis from a non-Jew for the occult or something legitimate from a Jewish source?

9 votes

Who is Rabbi Koryah?

9 votes

Halachot Gedolot from Spain

9 votes

Chatzi - mi yodeya?

9 votes

Eruvin 43a: Who was Yosef the Demon?

9 votes

Was it David's custom to go into battle without an armour?

9 votes

If don't aspire to be a general cannot be a simple soldier

9 votes

What is the source of this text?

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