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  • Member for 5 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
8 votes

How does a Jewish community recognize a Jewish person they hadn't seen ever before?

5 votes

Why does רבי עקיבא say "50 אמה", and not "50 אמות?"

5 votes

Why did Hashem kill Pharaoh's horses?

4 votes

Human Composting - Implications for Kohanim

4 votes

Sefer on Conversion in Halacha

4 votes

Is it apikorises to believe dinosaurs existed?

4 votes

Making tamei tahor and tahor tamei - Negaim

4 votes

Was Shammai a builder?

4 votes

Did people run to Noah’s ark when they saw the flood began?

3 votes

Where does the concept of Midah K'neged Midah come in during the 10 plagues?

2 votes

What is the section labeled מענה לשון in a Chumash?

2 votes

Not to slaughter an animal in the presence of another

2 votes

The Pin Test - Urban Legend or Fact?

2 votes

Why were the Levi'im not enslaved?

2 votes

Embarrassing people who sin as a deterrent

2 votes

Gemara Markings System- Are there any other simliar resources available?

2 votes

Is there any Appeal Process after a Ruling of a Beis Din

1 vote

Apparent wrong arrangement of war instructions in Devarim 20:1-9

1 vote

Variable names for angels

1 vote

Mikdash David, Kuntres Tohorot 3:4

1 vote

How can a solid pile of planks be considered an ohel?

1 vote

Connection between story of the spies and the mitzvah of tziztis

1 vote

Let's Kill Hitler

1 vote

What is meant by the 974 "worlds" that were "created and destroyed"?

0 votes

How many stones of the Luchos were there?

0 votes

Is there anything wrong with using someone's "preferred pronouns"?

0 votes

What is the origin of the minhag of kapparot?

0 votes

Tzipita Lishua in English online

0 votes

Questions about Conversion to Reform Judaism

0 votes

best Hebrew-English Tanakh in printed form, interlinear if possible?