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Kfir's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

Why translate Torah to 70 languages?

2 votes

Which Chumash has the most meforshim?

2 votes

Shemona Asar Umeya - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Chamisha - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Shisha - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Is it possible to become a tzaddik?

2 votes

What is the purpose of life on this earth

2 votes

Shlish - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Tish'a Vetishim - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Tish'a Vetishim - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Tish'a Vetishim - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Tish'a Vetishim - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Tish'a Vetishim - mi yodeya?

2 votes

176 verses in longest parasha, longest psalm and last page of longest Talmud tractate - what is the significance?

1 vote

Where are the last fourteen of the 49 curses in Bechukosai, Rashi only lists 5 sets of 7?

1 vote

Tish'a Vetishim - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Are there any books on Seder Hishtalshelus?

1 vote

How does gematria deal with zero?

1 vote

Echad Ve'arba'im - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Shiv'a Ve'arba'im - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Shishim - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Shishim - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Tish'a Ve'arba'im - mi yodeya?

1 vote

The 62 Years of Darius/Cyrus, and the 62 Weeks of Daniel

1 vote

Prayer for Illness - Why use the mothers name?

1 vote

Tish'a - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Shisha - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Shneim Asar - mi yodeya?

1 vote

What are the three impure klippot?

1 vote

Where do human souls come from?