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Daniel Ross's user avatar
Daniel Ross
  • Member for 6 years
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

Why wasn't Adam Harishon given the Torah?

7 votes

Source for it being a mitzvah to make fun of Avodah Zarah?

7 votes

What is the midrash about Nadav and Avihu being burned from within?

7 votes

Mikvah during UK COVID-19 Lockdown

5 votes

Fish and Meat only an issue until year 5000?

3 votes

Was Moshe punished for converting the Erev Rav?

3 votes

Is there any source that claims a person who dies on Rosh haShanah is a Tzaddik?

2 votes

Sources needed on Beis Shammai and Mashiach and the paths of the tribes

2 votes

Were there prophets who could “see” the past?

2 votes

What should we do if a ghost reaches out to us first (as opposed to us reaching out to/consulting ghosts)?

2 votes

Complete list of Batei Dinim

2 votes

Shelosha Asar - mi yodeya?

2 votes

Minhag not to return home directly after shiva visit?

1 vote

Why is the Torah not written in chronological order?

1 vote

Historical sources on Bar Kochba?

1 vote

Is it acceptable to disturb a body so it may be reburied in Israel?

1 vote

Shelosha Asar - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Shelosha Asar - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Segulos pertaining to individual Gemara Mesechtos

1 vote

What's the source of post Yom Tov Behab

1 vote

Shelosha Asar - mi yodeya?

1 vote

Diagram showing how the one sprinkling the blood of the Poroh Adumoh saw the Heichal entrance

1 vote

Start of Shabbos

1 vote

Do pre-washed and packaged vegetables and greens fall under a miut she'eno hamatzui?

1 vote

Rain in Iyar - Miracle Cure?

1 vote

The Ohr Hachaim's Moshiach Claim

1 vote

Legal minyan in Stamford Hill

0 votes

Were there prophets who could “see” the past?

0 votes

Segulot for finding a Shidduch

0 votes

Women saying kadish