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Micha Berger's user avatar
Micha Berger
  • Member for 13 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
32 votes

Placing stones on a grave

28 votes

Why do people frequently change tunes toward the end of Lecha Dodi?

15 votes

Is it true that every 50th letter of the Hebrew Pentateuch text spells the word "Torah"?

14 votes

When, halachically, does a sect of Judaism become an independent religion?

13 votes

What is the firmament?

12 votes

Is there a problem with Triangle K? If so, what?

12 votes

Does God love non-Jews?

11 votes

What does it mean to qualify Judaism with the term "Orthodox"?

11 votes

Why is it necessary to ask a Rabbi?

11 votes

What is the difference between Maharat and Yoetzet Halacha?

11 votes

Can online smicha programs theoretically be valid?

10 votes

What is the difference between a takana and a gezera?

10 votes

Origins of "Shalom Rav"

10 votes

Chalav Yisrael milk: stringency or binding?

9 votes

Why was a bat kol able to settle the dispute between Battei Hillel and Shammai?

9 votes

Difference between אֲנִי and אָנֹכִי

9 votes

Sources for Allowing Cholov Stam

8 votes

Sinning and G-d's will, what's wrong with this logic?

8 votes

How do we know that God exists?

8 votes

What afterlife awaits a Tinoq Shenishba who studies Torah but fails to observe major halacha?

8 votes

Who is the Ba'al Nefesh of the Mishnah Berurah?

8 votes

Is there such a thing as "too Orthodox"?

8 votes

R' Desler's Theory Behind the Holocaust

7 votes

What's a better choice: Treif meat or human flesh?

7 votes

Why do the siddurim ask us to gather all 4 tzitzis before saying Shema?

7 votes

Is there a place for the documentary-hypothesis in observant Judaism?

7 votes

Is there any halachik basis for using "the big two" (shabbat and kosher) as a criteria for frumkeit?

7 votes

If we cannot be absolutely certain that Judaism is true/the truth, how can we impose on others in its name?

7 votes

"Gay" people in the Torah, Talmud, Kabbalah?

7 votes

logic behind kol kavua k'mechtza al mechtze

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