Micha Berger is a husband, father, grandfather, and son, and sees in those roles much of the expression of his Judaism - and his avodas Hashem (divine service). If there is one thing I want you to know about me, that's it.
As for what else I've done in my life Jewishly...
I was a student of Rav Dovid Lifshitz, the Suvalker Rav, at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Yitzchak
Elchanan (a Yeshiva University affiliate). From this contact, Micha Berger took away a dream to infuse his Jewish practice with the blend of love, Mussar and grounding in Jewish thought that marked Rav Dovid’s Torah and life.
My latest work, Widen Your Tent: Thoughts on Life, Integrity and Joy (Mosaica Press, 2019), builds on this worldview by going back to the source, Rav Dovid’s rebbe, Rav Shimon haKohein Shkop. Taking a close study of Rav Shimon’s words in his introduction to Shaarei Yosher, Rabbi Berger develops a framework for a life of avodas Hashem (divine service), kedushah (holiness), joy, and growth, all founded on our ability to imitate Hashem’s givingness through connecting to others.
Back in the 1990s, I also established The AishDas Society. As a computer programmer by profession, AishDas can provide both in-person contact with people seeking similar goals, as well as electronic communication for people may otherwise feel alone in this dream. (The Avodah email list has been running for close to 21 years.) AishDas is a community of Orthodox Jews looking to create a synthesis of the “aish”, the fire of inspiration and faith, with the “das” of full halachic observance, to create a Judaism that both fully is and yet is greater than either of the parts.
I have spoken to audiences that varied in their backgrounds from non-Orthodox to Orthodox yeshiva graduates on subjects of Jewish Thought, Mussar, and the meaning of our tefillos. (And am actively seeking for new engagements.) My work has been described on JM in the AM, OU Radio, in HaModia and Yated Neeman, as well as having earned mention in the Orthodox Union’s Jewish Action and The Jerusalem Report.