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Yaakov Kuperman's user avatar
Yaakov Kuperman's user avatar
Yaakov Kuperman
  • Member for 12 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 11 years ago
8 votes

Origin of Spilling Wine by 10 Plagues

7 votes

Is it forbidden for a woman to learn Gemara?

6 votes

Is Aggadah the same thing as Midrash?

6 votes

Sarah's treatment of Hagar and Ishmael

5 votes

Sadducees and Karaites - same beliefs?

5 votes

What happened to Chasidus?

5 votes

How do you pray for a sick baby who has not yet been named?

4 votes

Reason why women are obligated to eat Matza - why not like Chanuka and Purim?

4 votes

Is the Haftarah a Minhag?

4 votes

Jews vs gentiles: disputes

4 votes

Looking for Sefer שלחן המערכת by Rav Yishak Yosef Shelit"a

4 votes

Do JONAH and similar organizations successfully help those with same-gender attractions?

3 votes

Shifting subjects and objects in Gen 12:15

3 votes

What are the oldest Jewish songs (tune plus words) that are still popular today?

3 votes

Differences between Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform Judaism

3 votes

Is it true that there was a time when Jews believed in the existence of several Gods instead of just One?

2 votes

What's the difference between "Jew", "Israelite" and "Judaizer"?

2 votes

Are coupons for Chometz - Chometz?

2 votes

Patents in Halacha?

2 votes

Who was the קדוש מרדוש?

1 vote

What happens to all those kvitlach?

1 vote

Is participating on a Teacher rating site a violation of Lashon Hara?

1 vote

"Motzi Matzah" or "Motzi and Matzah" (separately)? Passover Seder

1 vote

Did the Rambam believe in magic?

1 vote

Does anyone know where one can buy a hebrewbooks harddrive?

-1 votes

Lifnei 'Iver and your maybe-Jewish co-worker