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Unanswered Questions

768 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Any Halachic problems with app publishing?

I'm currently in the process of developing a mobile app, that, be'h will have various Israel related feeds. I was wondering if there could be any Halachic issues with respect to including news feeds ...
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Must I follow suit and stand for Kiddush?

There are different customs whether to stand or sit during Kiddush. Even those who stand for all/part of Friday Night Kiddush, many sit for the Shabbos Day Kiddush. I have observed a common trend to ...
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Thanking Christian for his prayers

Taking into account that Christianity is Avoda Zara I would like to ask the following question. I met a missionary last night who started off the conversation saying that he prays for Israel and then ...
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Davening for multiple things

In Taanis 8b, בִּימֵי רַבִּי שְׁמוּאֵל בַּר נַחְמָנִי הֲוָה כַּפְנָא וּמוֹתָנָא, אָמְרִי: הֵיכִי נַעֲבֵיד? נִיבְעֵי רַחֲמֵי אַתַּרְתֵּי — לָא אֶפְשָׁר In the days of Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani there ...
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4 answers

The Aruch HaShulchan (and others) bring down (from פסוקים) that "Shabbos is a ברכה for the entire week". What does that mean on a Practical Level?

I didn't understand the Aruch Hashulchan's intro to the laws of Shabbos, then of course we see it echoed in davening "כי היא מקור הברכה". My question is NOT Why is Shabbos a "sign" ...
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0 answers

Why is Mar son of Ravina's prayer commonly recited after Amidah?

Berachot 16b-17a lists a number of prayers that various amoraim recited at the end of Amidah. Common practice (at least in the Ashkenazi and Edot Mizrach siddurim that I've seen) seems to be to ...
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0 answers

How to refer to a Kohain with suspended privileges in prayer

When a Kohain chas v'Shalom marries a divorcée or convert, halacha requires us to suspend his privileges - he may not receive the first aliyah during the Torah reading, duchen, etc, until such time as ...
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0 answers

Shabbat: Electric Apartment Door in Doorman Building

Let us say a person lives in an apartment building where the apartment doors (door to the apartment itself) are fitted with electronic locks. The building has a 24-hour "concierge" doorman (non-...
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0 answers

Why does the paytan refer to the Thirteen Attributes as “Thirteen words”?

There is a piyut which is said by Minhag Lita on the fifth (sometimes, in some customs, on the fourth) weekday of the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah; by Nusach Sefard on the second Monday of BeHa”B; and by ...
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0 answers

Why no Kaddish DeRabbanan at Minchah?

Rambam writes in Seder HaTefillah: קדיש דרבנן כל עשרה מישראל או יתר שעוסקין בתלמוד תורה שעל פה ואפילו במדרשות או בהגדות כשהן מסיימין אומר אחד מהן קדיש Kaddish DeRabbanan: Anytime ten or more ...
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0 answers

Vowels around G-ds Name

What do these vowels around G-ds name mean?
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0 answers

How do we determine what is inevitable enough to be a Psik Reisha?

Regarding a psik reisha, my earlier question focused on whether the resultant action is judged according to a standard, but I am also unclear about what determines the "inevitable" nature of the ...
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0 answers

Why do we say "Mah Tovu" in the morning only?

Many say the paragraph “Mah Tovu” when entering the synagogue in the morning. See, for example, here and here. מַה טּבוּ אהָלֶיךָ יַעֲקב מִשְׁכְּנתֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל. וַאֲנִי בְּרב חַסְדְּךָ אָבא ...
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0 answers

Does one say this prayer for medical procedures on a procedure that gives guidance rather than help?

Shulchan Aruch (OC 230:4, as explained by Magen Avraham ibid. :6) paskens that when one undergoes a medical procedure he should say the following prayer: יהי רצון מלפניך ה׳ אלקי שיהא עסק זה לי ...
5 votes
0 answers

Investing in cryptocurrency. Is there an issue?

Is there a problem with investing in a digital currency and letting it sit on Shabbat and holidays? It's fairly volatile and can increase or decrease greatly in value. So I'm wondering if these ...

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