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Unanswered Questions

468 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Does Halakhah permit one to daven a different Nussach in a bind?

Suppose one's minhag is to daven Nussach A; but, one finds oneself in a synagogue, which only has siddurim of Nussach B, and one has not committed all of Nussach A to memory. He could daven Nussach A ...
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When does Kedusha start?

During Kedusha, one is to stand with the proper physical attitude (or, if one is still davening, stop and listen, at least according to some opinions). But when does Kedusha begin? Knowing when it ...
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When can I turn pages for my neighbor

If I am praying next to an elderly person who I know is somewhat dependant on my help to find the place in the prayer book, at what points in davening may I silently direct him to the correct page/...
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When to sit down when davening

During Shabbat morning davening, we recite Psalm 136 and my siddur has the following instruction, "Most congregations recite the following psalm while standing". So I make sure to stand and then begin ...
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How does the earliest written siddur compare w siddurim of today?

How does the davening in the siddurim of Rav Amram Gaon (who gave us the earliest written siddur, Is there a free copy of this early (earliest?) siddur online?) compare with siddurim of today? ...
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Are there circumstances when one should repeat a prayer in which he had no kavana the first time?

Halichipedia writes One should have kavana (proper concentration) when praying Shemonah Esrei. If one is unable to have kavana for all of Shemonah Esrei one should make an extra effort to have ...
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Minyan, netz hachamoh, and precision in time

There are halachic sources that discuss the importance of davening shemona esrei at netz (at sunrise), some of which state that it is preferable to daven at netz over davening with a minyan (at least ...
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How to pronounce "nechamasa" in kaddish?

In most siddurim I've seen, the word "ונחמתא" in kaddish is written "וְנֶחֱמָתָא," with a סגול ("eh" sound) under the ח. However, someone recently told me that a certain (very trustworthy) rabbi ...
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What book do these notes synopsize?

I picked up a (IIRC ArtScroll) sidur (prayer book) in my synagogue one day. It had no indication of ownership in it, but it had some handwritten notes (all in the same hand). Among them were: Between ...
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How can the order of Ovinu Malkeinu be explained? Forgiveness comes before repentance

The order of the lines in [Ovinu Malkeinu] is troubling. It starts with a confession אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ חָטָאנוּ לְפָנֶיךָ (and אָבִינוּ מַלְכֵּנוּ אֵין לָנוּ מֶלֶךְ אֶלָּא אָתָּה) and follows with ...
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Bracha change on Tevilas Keilim

Yoreh Deah 120:3 one who Toivels a vessel should make the Bracha "Al Tevilas Keli". However if one Toivels two or more vessels they should make the Bracha "Al Tevilas Keilim". Aruch HaShulchan Yoreh ...
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Facing east when standing in prayers

I was praying with my kid in a synagogue wherein the aron was against the eastern wall, and most of the seats were facing north or south. My kid wondered why the people around us turned to face east ...
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Catching Up When Saying Tachanun M/Th

On Mondays and Thursdays I often fall very behind during tachanun. I see two options — I can start with the congregation after having listened with proper intent during chazarat hashatz, or I can ...
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MiSheBerach for someone who doesn't like his/her own name

Another question asked about a case in which someone does not want to use his/her mother's name in a MiSheBerach. What if someone dislikes his/her own given name and goes by a different name? What ...
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Which Passuk goes here: ברוך ה׳ לעולם version

Having davened from a number of Nusach Ashkenaz siddurim over the years, I've noticed that one passuk seems to be inconsistent in the berachah of Baruch Hashem le'Olam/Yiru 'Eineinu. In some siddurim, ...

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