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Unanswered Questions

638 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Recommended changes to the text of selichos when you say them at the "wrong" time

Some of the piyutim in selichos assume that you're saying them at the ideal time - before Amud Hashachar (for example, at the end of selicha #70 שחרנוך קדם עמוד השחר). Many people don't make it at ...
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How is love created? Is giving sufficient or must there be Hakoras Hatov?

Related: Where does Rav Dessler mention that root word of אהבה is הב? Rav Wolbe in Alei Shur vol 2, in the first va'ad on Hakaras Hatov (page רעט) says that Hakaras Hatov is a foundation of love. ...
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Saying Havineinu during the rainy season

The Mishnah Berakhot 4:3 introduces the abridged Amida, known as Havineinu (due to its' opening word). The Gemara Berakhot 29a provides the text of this abridged Amida, in the name of Shmuel. Within ...
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Source for saying seven specific psalms in the cemetery

What is the source as cited in the ArtScroll Tehillim for saying chapters 33, 16, 17, 82, 91, 104, and 130 of Tehillim in a bais hachayim (Jewish cemetery)? Why specifically these chapters and why in ...
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Can the Shaliach Tzibbur walk around while praying?

For any of the prayers other than the Amidah, are there sources that allow the prayer leader to walk around (for no special purpose) while praying? The question is specific to the Shaliach Tzibbur, ...
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Why, in Yom Kippour and RH davening, when we say Tefilas responsively, does sometimes the baal Tefila go first, sometimes the congregation?

Why, in Yom Kippour and RH davening, when we say Tefilas responsively, does sometimes the baal Tefila go first, sometimes the congregation? For example, Shema Koilanu, aveenu Malkainu, the Baal tefila ...
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Why do we greatly honor the Davidic line of kings?

I have trouble understanding why we greatly honor the Davidic line of kings, why we pray for the restoration of the dynasty. Taking as examples the last six major kings of the Davidic line, they ...
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Has the Sefer Abudraham been translated into English?

I am looking for an English translation of David ben Josef ben David Abudirham's book on tefillah, entitled Abudraham. Does one exist? If so where could I find it?
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When is it permissible to collect charity during prayer?

In my shul someone usually brings around the pushka (charity box) during the chazzan's repetition of shmoneh esrei. I have also heard that it is appropriate to give tzedaka during v'yivarech Dovid. ...
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Prayer in a chapel (bes midrash room) vs. in the main synagogue

Some synagogues have a room for prayers that's used on a regular basis: weekdays, Shabasos, holidays. If there are two simultaneous minyanim, then one will be elsewhere, of course, but otherwise the ...
6 votes
1 answer

Publicizing that you were rescued and how you achieved this - origins

Where I live - in Jerusalem - it's not uncommon to see signs like this: I said Perek Shira for 40 days and was saved. I promised to publicize this. Sometimes it's about other good deeds, usually it'...
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Thanking Christian for his prayers

Taking into account that Christianity is Avoda Zara I would like to ask the following question. I met a missionary last night who started off the conversation saying that he prays for Israel and then ...
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Comparison of different hashkafas

I'm curious whether anyone has published a (reasonably unbiased) comparison of different major hashkafas and the key differences between them. Has anyone come across such a thing? To clarify: I'm ...
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Davening for multiple things

In Taanis 8b, בִּימֵי רַבִּי שְׁמוּאֵל בַּר נַחְמָנִי הֲוָה כַּפְנָא וּמוֹתָנָא, אָמְרִי: הֵיכִי נַעֲבֵיד? נִיבְעֵי רַחֲמֵי אַתַּרְתֵּי — לָא אֶפְשָׁר In the days of Rabbi Shmuel bar Naḥmani there ...
5 votes
1 answer

Rewarding the few while punishing the majority

Why does the creation of the world to reward the few who can successfully work on themselves to cleave to Hashem have to come at the expense of the vast majority of mankind not getting olam haba and ...

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