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Unanswered Questions

572 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Source for Vilna Gaon's gematriah about 'חצי לה and חצי לכם

I remembering hearing a p'shat in the name of the Gra about Yom Tov, that I would really love to know the source for. I am not normally one for Gematriyos but the genius of the Vilna Gaon is quite ...
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Vilna Gaon on a year corresponding to a verse in the Torah

Rabbi Anava said in a shiur that: The Vilna Gaon says that there are 5,845 verses in the Torah. Additionally, he says that every year from creation corresponds to one verse in the Torah. Does anyone ...
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Seeking a source for Keruvim as destructive angels vs saintly children

I was wondering if anyone could please help me - I am seeking the source for the following vort: The Keruvim in Bereishis are described as destructive angles guarding gan eden, but we know them also ...
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R' Meir of Rotenburg responsum cited by Mahari Bruna

At the end of Mahari Bruna responsum 111 (שו"ת מהר"י מברונא סימן קיא) he refers to a responsum by R' Meir of Rotenburg in which it was held that anyone could demand, on pain of cherem, a copy of any ...
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Looking for a Chasam Sofer

Where is the Chasam Sofer cited as saying that if one "chances upon" connections across various sugyas he is learning, it is a sign of special siyata dshmaya?
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What is the source for Beis Din's obligation to enforce mitzvos

The Gemarra in Kesubos 86a and Chullin 132b teaches the following: במצות עשה כגון שאומרין לו עשה סוכה ואינו עושה לולב ואינו עושה מכין אותו עד שתצא נפשו With regard to positive mitzvot, for ...
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Could not find this in soncino Bamidbar rabbah

In the march 1986 issue of the jewish observer, they bring bamidbar rabbah 21 which says in the name of Yehoshua ben levi, “Hoshana rabba represents the ultimate downfall of defiant nations, just as ...
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Birkas Hachodesh when Rosh Chodesh is Shabbat and Sunday

On Shabbat Mevarchim, Birkas Hachodesh, a prayer announcing when the Rosh Chodesh will be, is said after Kriat Hatorah before Mussaf, containing the following line (with some variations depending on ...
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Source for preferring doing melacha which benefits sick person exclusively

I recently heard the following halacha from a talmid Chacham. He said "I remember that this is the halacha, but I do not remember the source". If one has to do a melacha on shabbos for a choleh ...
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Why is Baruch-Hu-Uvaruch-Shmo answered only in the brachos after the Haftorah, but not in the bracha before?

As far as I recall, the minhag in all Ashkenaz shuls which I have ever attended, was not to answer Baruch-Hu-Uvaruch-Shmo to the name of Hashem in the Bracha which is said before the Haftorah, but in ...
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Sources forbidding a gentile from keeping the Sabbath

I have read that there is a halacha that a non-Jew may not observe Shabbat. This seems to stem from the gemara cited here and the Rambam listed here. But the gemara only seems to be saying that a non-...
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The Pach Shemen and the Sotah

I remember hearing during a shiur on Neiros Shabbos and Chanukah...shalom bayis/Shabbos trumping pirsumei nisah/Chanukah, etc. There was one source which said that the pach shemen was actually ...
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Source for Arizal’s teaching

I’m reading a book by Rabbi Shlomo Arush and he says the following: "According to our master, the Arizal, whoever wants to receive the light of Ein Sof in its entirety has to change its own nature ...
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Weird Weather Before Mashiach

With Harvey and Irma and the Mexican earthquakes and the recent solar eclipse, it’s often been quoted recently that there will be weird weather before Mashiach comes. This is nothing new for me - I’ve ...
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Reason for Ein Onshim Min HaDin

There's a concept that אין עונשים מן הדין that appears a bunch of times throughout Shas (Makkos 5b for example). It basically means we don't learn out punishments the same way we learn out obligations....

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